Working Bibliography

Kathaleen McDonald
Dr. Wielgos
Senior Seminar
7 November 2017
Andrews, J. F. (2013). Outcasts and angels: The new anthology of deaf characters in literature. Choice, 50(8), 1426. Retrieved from
Bell, C., & Lasky, D. (2014). El deafo. New York: Amulet Books.
“Book discussion on deaf characters in literature to celebrate deaf history month at Rockville library.” (2009, Feb 25). US Fed News Service, Including US State News Retrieved from
Czubek, T., & Greenwald, J. (2005). Understanding Harry Potter: Parallels to the Deaf World. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 10(4), 442-450. Retrieved from
Fields, D., Kim, K., & Spencer, C. (2016). Inauthentic deaf characters in traditional literature. English Journal, 105(4), 94-97. Retrieved from
McDonald, D. M. (2010). Not silent, invisible: literature’s chance encounters with deaf heroes and heroines. American Annals of the Deaf, 154(5), 463-70; discussion 493-6. Retrieved from
Miller, J. (1992). The rustle of a star: An annotated bibliography of deaf characters in fiction. Library Trends, 41(1), 42.
Pajka-West, S. (2007). Perceptions of deaf characters in adolescent literature. The ALAN Review, 34(3). doi: 10.21061/alan.v34i3.a.6
Rana, M. (2017). "Why would I want to hear?": Cochlear implants in young adult fiction. Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 11(1), 69-80,111. doi:
Smetana, L., Odelson, D., Burns, H., & Grisham, D. L. (2009). Using graphic novels in the high school classroom: Engaging deaf students with a new genre. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(3), 228-240. Retrieved from

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