October 19 2017

Kathaleen McDonald
Dr. Wielgos
Senior Seminar
19 October 2017
Paper Proposal
            The original work that I chose to further expand upon is a paper I wrote for my Sign Language II class last semester. In this paper, I discuss how the character Hawkeye (from The Avengers) has become a figure in Deaf culture. I further discuss how I believe Hawkeye is not a very good example of a Deaf role model, and explain how there are better Deaf role models in main stream media today.
            To further expand on this paper, I plan to discuss the emergence of Deafness into mainstream culture, by identifying key events and people that helped bring Deafness into the main stream. I would also talk about the effect and popularity of Deaf culture in today’s world. I would also like to discuss the underrepresentation of Deafness in literature, especially young adult literature.
            For the digital aspect, I plan to include hyperlinks to videos I find relevant and important to the topics I will discuss. I also plan to include videos of myself or others signing important terms that are discussed in my paper. I think this will enhance the relatability and understanding of my paper, since there will be more connections to the outside world, not just my piece of writing.
            As for my research, I plan to study how disabilities are represented in literature, and how that has changed. There is not much literature about being Deaf or Deafness, so I plan to take the ideas of disabilities literature and expand them to include Deafness. I will also research how Deafness in main stream media has changed, and if it corresponds at all to hearing people learning sign language.

            As for my faculty advisor, I asked Dr. Letcher if he could help me. We have had a few conversations on the underrepresentation of Deaf characters in young adult literature, and he has offered to help me with this project, especially in his knowledge of disabilities literature. I also plan on asking Dr. Philippian for assistance as well, since he has done work in disabilities literature before. 

1 comment:

  1. Kathaleen, we have talked about this project and I am excited for how this will develop and turn out. We will want to address the digital tools that you will use as you adapt the project mult-modally. Remember, 8-10 scholarly sources and about 12-15 written pages of work, give or take.
